Wednesday, February 18, 2015

#0044 Sokoban

Man this one took me back. Remember Chip’s Challenge? A puzzle game that was included in the Microsoft Entertainment Pack for Windows 98? I had no idea that one of the key concepts of that game (pushing blocks) was introduced by a Japanese software house called Thinking Rabbit in 1982. That’s right, today we’re looking at none other than Sokoban!

First off, let me say just how hard this game was to find. Not because it’s rare, not at all. It’s the opposite that’s true really. There are SO many versions of this game, that I was completely unable to tell which version came first. So I settled on a nice flash version that you can see above. Courtesy to for providing this amazing game free of charge.

Sokoban is a puzzle game developed by Hiroyuki Imabayashi. Basically, it’s “Walmart Truck Crew The Game”. In this game you play as a warehouse foreman, your job is to push crates (you can’t pull them) onto specific dots. When you push all your crates onto all the dots you move on to the next level. It is an extremely simple concept and has been implemented into nearly all genres of games.  All Pokemon Games, nearly all Zelda games, Professor Layton, Prince of Persia, Half-Life (kinda), Tomb Raider, you name it. Basically it’s the block puzzle of all block puzzles.

What can I say, this game is a classic. It is a video game stripped only to its bare essentials. If video games had a minimalist movement, this would be a good contender. It is so simple that you can’t take a single element from it and still have a playable game. Story? None. Music and Sound? Not nesesary.  All it needs are graphics good enough to distinguish what is what. It is so simple that it can be recreated FLAWLESSLY on the Atari 2600. That’s right, a console from 1977 with graphics that couldn’t even perfectly recreate Space Invaders can play this game without any hickups.

Being so simple makes the game nearly flawless, there’s not one bad thing I can say about this game. It’s addicting, I actually had to tear myself away in order to write this review. If you’re a fan of puzzle games, I’m sure you’d get a kick out of this. I’d tell all of you to go play this game, but, let’s face it, in one way or another, you already have. Now go play Pokemon, and move some rocks!

Up next: Tron