It's been a while guys! Alright, so today I played Wizball, a 1987 SHMUP/Platformer maybe/ maybe run 'n gun depending on how ya wanna look at it like that - from Sensible Software for the Commodore 64 and all the other big computers at the time.
In this game you play as a little ball, named Wiz. His problem is some bad guys stoll all the color from his world. So you gotta fight the bad guys and bring color back. The story isn't important, this could be an arcade game for how gameplay-centric it is.
What makes this game stand out is how it's played. You bounce along the terrain. Continuously bouncing in a low gravity world. You can turn and flip and change directions, but you're always bouncing. this is how you move around. Your goal is to collect these little spheres, while shooting hordes of bad guys. Collect all the spheres to move on to the next level.
This... This is a good game! Like, legit! The physics are believable and the bouncing mechanic feels loose and flexible. It's a lot like Mario's Jump from Super Mario Bros. It just FEELS right. It's fun killing stuff, honestly, it's one of the better "platformers" that I've seen since SMB.
Honestly the only flaw that I can see with the game is probably the lack of music on the main levels, and the HORRIFYING difficulty curve. It goes from a nice little tutorial place to pure bullet hell!
Seriously, if you're looking for a really unique shooter/platformer/run 'n gun thing that's unlike anything you've ever played before in your life, you'll probably find something to enjoy here! I love it when this list actually gives me something NEW. But If you're not into platformers, or shooters, this probably won't sway you. If you got a Commodore 64 emulator or even the real thing, this would be worth giving a try!
Aaaaaaand that actually finishes up 1987! Time to award U-G's 1987 Game of the Year award! And the Best game of 1987 is!
Gemini Wing! The quirky and unique SHMUP from Techmo.
Yeah this was actually pretty tough to award. Mostly because while there were a lot of good games coming out of this year, none of them REALLY stood out. No SMB, no Legend of Zelda. Basically what it had to come down to was just which game I would rather come back to the most! And Gemini Wing game out slightly above 1943, and R-Type.
Lookin' forward to 1988. Next game is: Carrier Command