Looks a little small huh? That's because this game is played on a tripple monitor 1920x480 display. Despite being a tripple monitor setup, the game looks like one seamless screen. They do this by using oneway mirrors to reflect the other two screens on either side of the middle screen. It is honestly ingenious, and is easily the BEST looking game I've seen on this list by a large margin.
Keep in mind when this game came out. It came out in 1986. You know what else came out in 1986? Kid Icarus. The game looks so amazing you'd swear it came out in the early 90s.
Not only does it look incredible with its vibrant and expressive graphics but the music is unlike anything I've heard in a game on this list so far. Listen to this soundtrack:
Seriously, that almost sounds like something out of a MegamanX game. I was blown away by how amazing this game looks and sounds.
That's all well and good, but the question remains. Is it good? Well... It's alright. Didn't hook my attention past several playthoughs. Problem is, other than its amazing graphics, it really doesn't bring anything new to the table. It's a great game. Just not nessesarily a whole new experience. Even still I highly suggest giving this game a play. If only for the amazing visuals.
Up next: Gauntlet II
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