Thursday, December 15, 2016

#0114 Kid Icarus

Today I played Kid Icarus. I played this briefly when it was one of the first game for the Wii Virtual Console. But today I actually really put some time and effort to get to the meat and potatoes of the game and what I found was actually pretty surprising.

Okay, first off, the game is great, no doubt there. It's hard, and unforgiving, but it's a lot of fun. But that's to be expected, it's Nintendo during the Golden Age of Nintendo.

What I did NOT expect to see was so much Zelda in here! You gain weapons, and items as you progress through the game that aid you in your quest. Not only that, but You gain hearts, which is currency, which you can use to buy other weapons and items. It's honestly the first I've ever seen of something like this one the list. Combined with the creative enemies, the fantacy setting, and you can really see the Zelda in here.

Here I thought that Zelda was wholly a 100% unique invention, but here we are, a year earlier and we have the rough outline of what would eventually become Zelda. It's utterly facinating. One of the things I was hoping to find while playing these games.

Next up: Spindizzy

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