Monday, June 9, 2014

#0011 Battle Zone

Alrighty! Now that Compy is back to her normalish self again! I can finally get back into playing my way through old games that nobody cares about anymore. And today’s distant memory that your parents might remember is Battlezone! Probably the first ever tank simulator published by Atari in 1980. That’s right folks! We’re officially in the 80s now! a LOT of gems come out this decade so I’m PUMPED! Anywho, Battlezone is a tank simulator and I must say, look at this thing! I mean, seriously! that is probably the most unique and immersive cabinet I’ve ever seen! You use the sticks to control your tank, and the button on the top fires an exploding dot at the enemy tank. In order to see you must look through this porthole that apparently always smells like feet and old band aids. Just like a real tank! As cool as this design for the cabinet is, the real impressive thing are the graphics. Done in vectors, because it would seem that Atari has a vector fetish, and it actually works surprisingly well! I mean, more so than pixels could in this case. See, this is the first game that I have played on my journey to attempt 3-D graphics. And, well, they pull it off! I’m serious! Here we are, 1980 and we have honest to goodness scaling! Not even the pixelated “scaling” that the SNES tried with several games, the vectors look like honest to goodness wire frames that shrink and grow depending on how close or far you are from the object.

So how does the game hold up? Surprisingly well actually. The graphics have aged nicely into something that’s retro, but still looks good. The controls are simple, and immersive, and honestly I was impressed, maybe even more than I was with Galaxian. I highly recommend it!

Next up: Defender

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